All Articles Tagged: "Crypto"
ProFume Explained
Created by expert researchers in pest control, ProFume fumigant (sulfuryl fluoride) is a new fumigant specifically designed to rid households of all their pesky insect pests.
ViewWoodborer Tented Fumigation and How it Works
Have you ever driven down the road and seen a house or building covered completely like a tent? This means that the location is being treated for pests, specifically woodborer and drywood termites.
ViewHow to Prevent Woodborer in Your Home
With a month of Spring already passed, the threat of woodborer (or drywood termites) is now bigger than ever. An Infestation into the wood of your home is something that you want to prevent as much as possible. By applying the following tips, you will be able to help prevent woodborer all on your own.
ViewThe Arrival and Behaviour of Woodborer in Spring
As their name might suggest, woodborer are categorised by their love of ย infesting a variety of wood types. Existing primarily in coastal regions, these pesky pests can inflict thousands of Rands in damages when not controlled.