All Articles Tagged: "spider"
Beautiful butterflies of South Africa
Have a look at the beautiful butterflies that grace our gardens in South Africa.
Beautiful spiders
There are some truly exotic spiders found in other regions of the world that will fill you with awe and wonder.
The Importance of Spiders to The Environment
While there is a chance you may get bitten by these arachnids, the odds are low and most spiders venom is very moderate. In fact, spiders play a vital role in the environment and without them, the earth would be a very different place.
ViewSpider Control: How to Prevent Spiders in Your Home
Feared by many, spiders are often seen as one of the most dangerous pests that you can have. While this is true sometimes, in most cases this is not.ย Although South Africa is home to 3000 known species of spiders, almost none of them are actually poisonous or harmful.
ViewWhat is Biting You? What insects are bugging you?
When you complain of being bitten, we need to first find out exactly what pest we are dealing with in order to best advise the correct pest control process. Please keep samples of any specimens in question. Sometimes the answer is obvious yet other times it is a real challenge to identify the culprit.