All Articles Tagged: "Cockroaches"
South African Season Pest Chart
ViewHow to stop cockroaches from invading your food business.
Whether you are a take away, a food truck or a sit down restaurant owner, having a cockroach infestation can be detrimental to your food business.
ViewPest prevention at garbage bin areas
Your garbage area can be a welcoming breeding ground for all kinds of pests.
How to Spot Pests When Buying a New Home
Use the below checklist to pre-check your prospective new home before clinching the deal.
5 Autumn Pests
As the summer heat is simmering down and the cool of autumn blowing in, a variety of insects and rodents seek out shelter, food and warmth indoors.
Keeping your home pest free while on holiday
Here are a few tips for pest prevention at your home, while you go on holiday.
ViewWhich pests come out in winter?
We had a look at a few common winter pests and DIY tips to keep them out.
Interesting facts about Cockroaches
For most of us cockroaches make our skin crawl, but they are extraordinary insects with abilities that some might see as close to having super powers!
Top 5 Summer Pests
Here are the top 5 summer pests you must be on the look out for this season.