Advise on how to protect yourself in times of a virus outbreak

Posted on: March 23, 2020, in Blog

The world has been hit by the Coronavirus epidemic. Service Master offers a microbial fogging service that not only eradicates viruses, but also prevents the build up of pathogens even after it has been applied, so it does have a residual effect. Call Us today to have your business or home fogged to stop possible contamination. 

Here are some useful tips on how you can curb the spread or contamination of viruses.

Wash Your Hands Properly

It is not only surgeons that need to wash their hands before they do an operation. Viruses are spread mainly by physical contact, especially through your hands. Follow these steps, as shown in the infographic below, to ensure you properly wash your hands, and do so regularly. Also remember to apply hand sanitiser after you’ve washed and dried your hands.

Wash your hands properly

Hands off!

It is not only important to keep your hands sanitised. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or face, for this is where a virus enters your body. Also avoid touching communal items with your hands when you are out and about, like elevator buttons or the hand railing of an escalator. Shaking hands with anyone is also a BIG no no.

The “Vampire Cough” technique

Covering your mouth when you sneeze with your hand, might only aid in spreading a virus if you have already contracted it. Make use of the “vampire cough” technique, by coughing or sneezing in the inside bend of your elbow.

Keep your distance

Unfortunately it is not always evident at first site if someone is carrying a virus. Special precaution must be taken when you are in public or unfamiliar spaces. Maintain at least 1 metre distance between anyone you come into contact with, especially if they are coughing or sneezing. Also avoid any travel if possible during times of a virus outbreak.


If you are not feeling well and suspect you have contracted a virus, take a sick day and seek immediate medical attention, especially in times of a virus outbreak.

Stay in the Loop

Stay informed about the virus and the spread there of. Use a reliable source, like the World Health Organization’s website to keep updated. They have regular updates about news and affected areas of all virus outbreaks. 

Stay safe and let’s do everything in our power to curb the spread of any viruses that can cause harm or possible death of these infectious diseases!

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